
  1. F. Uczay, C.E.M. Campos, T. de Andrade Maranhão, C.L. Jost, D.Z. Mezalira. Optimizing hydrothermal synthesis of titanium dioxide nanotubes: Doehlert method and desirability function approach. J Nanopart Res, v. 26, p.103, 2024.
  2. Francisco R. C. Ribeiro, L. Silvestro, L. Goldenberg Py, R.D. Sakata, P. J. P. Gleize, C. E. M. Campos, P. R. de Matos, A. P. Kirchheim, Assessing hydration kinetics and rheological properties of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC3): Influence of clay-mitigating and superplasticizer admixtures. Case Studies In Construction Materials, v. 20, p. e03364, 2024.
  3. L.G. Baumgarten; J.P. Dreyer; C.E.M. Campos; A.T. Germano; L. Vitali; A. Spinelli; E.R. Santana; J.P. Winiarski; I.C. Vieira. Two-dimensional titanium carbide MXene embedded in exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets for voltammetric sensing of thiamethoxam in beekeeping products. Electrochimica Acta, v. 1, p. 144423, 2024.
  4. Marcel Silveira, P. V. Oliveira, E. A. Rebelatto, D. A. Mayer, P. H.H. Araújo, C. E.M. Campos b, J. Vladimir Oliveira, Coprecipitation of nicotinic acid in PVP by gas antisolvent technique using Box-Behnken design. Journal of Molecular Liquids, v. 413, p. 125829, 2024.
  5. José R. Franca, P. B. Souza, J. G. Dias, A. D. P. Perdomo, A. A. Linhares, W. R. B. Bassoli, D. S., A. A. Pasa, C. C. Plá Cid, Photocurrent in Bi2Se3 films electrodeposited with predominance of the orthorhombic phase, Electrochimica Acta, v. 463, p. 142791, 2023.
  6. Paulo R. de Matos; J.S. Andrade Neto;  D. Jansen; A. G. de La Torre; A. P. Kirchheim; C. E.M. Campos, In-situ laboratory X-ray diffraction applied to assess cement hydration. Cement and Concrete Research, v. 162, p. 106988, 2023.
  7. Luís U. D. Tambara; P. R. de Matos, G.S. Lima, L. Silvestro, J. C. Rocha, C.E. M. Campos, P. J. Paul Gleize, Influence of Nanosilica and Superplasticizer Incorporation on the Hydration, Strength, and Microstructure of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Pastes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, v. 35, p. 04023216-1-04023216-12, 2023.
  8. Ana Carolina C. Viana, C.E. M. Campos, P. D. Moraes, W. L. Weingaertner. Bond-line strength, chemical properties and cellulose crystallinity of welded pine and itauba wood. Wood Material Science & Engineering, v. 19, p. 56-68, 2023.
  9. Marcelo T. Souza, L. Onghero, R.D. Sakata, F.C. Neto, C.E. M. Campos, J. R. Castro Pessôa, W.L. Repette, A.P.N. De Oliveira. Insights into the acting mechanism of ettringite in expansive Portland cement. Materials Letters, v. 345, p. 134496, 2023.
  10. Paulo R. de Matos, J.S. Andrade Neto, L. U. D. Tambara, E.D. Rodríguez, A.P. Kirchheim, C.E. M. Campos. Measuring the early-age volumetric change of cement paste through in-situ XRD. Materials Today Communications, v. 1, p. 106857, 2023.
  11. Ana Carolina C. Viana, P. D. Moraes, W. L. Weingaertner. Evaluation of the interface of Eucalyptus specimens welded by rotary friction. Maderas, Cienc. tecnol., v. 25, 26, 2023
  12. J.S. Andrade Neto; P. R. de Matos; A. G. de La Torre; C. E.M. Campos; P.J.P. Gleize; P. J. M. Monteiro; A. P. Kirchheim; The role of sodium and sulfate sources on the rheology and hydration of C3A polymorphs. Cement and Concrete Research, v. 151, p. 106639, 2022.
  13. L. G. Franca, P. L. dos Santos, P. Pander, M. G. B. Cabral, R. Cristiano, T. Cazati, A. P. Monkman, H. Bock, J. Eccher, Delayed Fluorescence by Triplet–Triplet Annihilation from Columnar Liquid Crystal FilmsACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4(7), 3486-3494, 2022.
  14. S.R.C. Matos; P.R. de Matos; J.S. Andrade Neto; C. E.M. Campos;  A. P. Kirchheim; J.P. Gonçalves; Synthesis and hydration of ye-elimite-containing cement (YCC) produced with spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst. Construction and Building Materials, v. 359, p. 129364, 2022.
  15. M. T. Souza, P. R. de Matos; R. D. Sakata; L. Onghero; L. C. Magalhães; C. E.M. Campos; A. P. N. de Oliveira; W. L. RepetteInsights into the “accelerating effect” of sucrose on cement pastes; Journal of Building Engineering, v. 59, 105053; 2022.
  16. E. Westphal, A. C. Windisch, D. Z. Mezalira, H. Gallardo, Reaching Room-Temperature Mesomorphism through Expansion of the Tristriazolotriazine Core with Alkoxybenzoate Units, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022(29), e202200378, 2022.
  17. J.S. Andrade Neto; P. R. de Matos; A. G. de La Torre; C. E.M. Campos; S. M. Torres; P. J. M. Monteiro; A. P. Kirchheim; Hydration and interactions between pure and doped C3S and C3A in the presence of different calcium sulfates, Cement and Concrete Research,  v. 159, p. 106893, September 2022.
  18. G. S. dos Santos, E. Westphal, Photoisomerizable azobenzene star-shaped liquid crystals: bypassing the absence of hydrogen bonding, New Journal of Chemistry, 46(16), 7334-7345, 2022.
  19. P. R. de Matos, J.S. Andrade Neto; R.D. Sakata; A. P. Kirchheim; R.D. Rodrigues; C. E.M. Campos;  Strategies for XRD quantitative phase analysis of ordinary and blended Portland cements, Cement and Concrete Composites, v. 131, p.104571, 2022.
  20. M. A. Malagutti, K. F. Ulbrich, J.P. Winiarski, V. Z. C. Paes, J. Geshev,  C. L. Jost and C. E. M. Campos, Mechanochemical synthesis of γ-CoTe2 nanocrystals and their application for determination of ferulic acid. Materials Today Communications, v. 31, p. 103481, 2022.
  21. B.C.B. Port, G.S. Rauber, D.B. Argenta, M. Arhangelskis, C.E.M. Campos, A.J. Bortoluzzi, T. Caon, Effect of Vehicle Composition on the Preparation of Different Types of Dapsone Crystals for Topical Drug Delivery, Mol. Pharmaceutics, v. 19 (7), p. 2164–2174, 2022.
  22. P. R. De Matos, R. D. Sakata, et.alEffect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Fresh Performance of 3D-Printed Cementitious Materials, Materials, 15(11), 3896; May 2022.
  23. J. P. Winiarski, B. F. Tavares, K. F. Ulbrich, C. E. M. Campos, A. A.U.Souza, S. M.A. G.U. Souza, C. L. Jost, Development of a multianalyte electrochemical sensor for depression biomarkers based on a waste of the steel industry for a sustainable and one-step electrode modification, Microchemical Journal, v. 175,  p. 107141, April 2022.
  24. L. U.D. Tambara Júnior, P. R. De Matos, G.S. Lima, L. Silvestro, J.C. Rocha, C.E.M. Campos, P.J.P. Gleize, Effect of the nanosilica source on the rheology and early-age hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement pastes. Construction and Building Materials, v. 327, p. 126942, 2022.
  25. M. T. Souza, P. R. de Matos; J. S. Andrade Neto; R. D. Sakata; C. E.M. Campos; A. P. N. de OliveiraO. R. K. MontedoS. Arcaro; Single-burn clinkering of endodontic calcium silicate-based cements: Effects of ZnO in the C3S phase formation and hydration rate Materila Letters (2022), v. 311, p.  131556.
  26. J.S. Andrade Neto; P. R. de Matos; A. G. de La Torre,; C. E.M. Campos; P. J.P.Gleize; P. J.M. Monteiro; A. P. Kirchheim. The role of sodium and sulfate sources on the rheology and hydration of C3A polymorphs. Cement And Concrete Research (2022), v. 151, p. 106639.
  27. C. Fandaruff, T. Caon, A.M. Araya-Sibaja,  G.S. Rauber, M.A. Segatto, C.M.O. Simões, C.E.M. Campos, A.J. Bortoluzzi, J.A.L.C. Resende, S.L. Cuffini, A New Saquinavir Mesylate-Sodium Decyl Sulfate Salt Discovered by Serendipity during an Anomalous Dissolution Test, Pharmaceutical Research, v. 39, p. 189–200, 2022.
  28. E.N. Nishida, L. Zramello, E.C. Leopoldino, R. Gonçalves, C. E.M. Campos, R.F. Afefeldt, B.S. Souza, An Imidazole-Rich Pd(II)-Polymer Pre¿catalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling: Stability Influenced by Dissolved Oxygen and Reactants ConcentrationChemCatChem, v.14, e202101596 (1 of 10), 2022.
  29. K. F. Ulbrich; C. E.M. Campos. Obtaining of hematite from industrial steel waste using dry-milling and high temperature. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, (2021)  v. 5, p. 100327
  30. K. F. Ulbrich, B.S. Souza and C. E. M. Campos, Synthesis of n-hydrated Nickel sulfates from mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Nickel sulfides. Green Chemistry, 23 (2021), 4580-4593. (IF 2020 =  10,18!)
  31.  P. R. de Matos, J. S. Andrade Neto, C. E. M. Campos, Is the R index accurate to assess the preferred orientation of portlandite in cement pastes? Construction and Building Materials, 292 (2021) 123471.
  32. M. A. Malagutti, K. F. Ulbrich, V. Z. C. Paes, J. Geshev and C. E. M. Campos,  Structural, microstructural and magnetic characterization of the β-CoTe nanophase synthesized by a novel mechanochemical method, RSC Adv ,11, (2021) 5027-5034.
  33. M.R. de Barros,; J.P. Winiarski,; W. C. Elias, ; C. E. M. de Campos, ; C. L. Jost. Au-on-Pd bimetallic nanoparticles applied to the voltammetric determination and monitoring of 4-nitroaniline in environmental samples. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, Issue 5, (2021) 105821.
  34. W. A. de Oliveira, D. Z. Mezalira, E. Westphal; Acylhydrazones liquid crystals: effect of structure over thermal behaviour and molecular switching, Liquid Crystals, Vol. 48, No. 1,  (2021) 88–99.
  35. P. R. de Matos, R. D. Sakata, L. Onghero, V. G. Uliano, J. de Brito, C. E.M. Campos, P. J.P. Gleize; Utilization of ceramic tile demolition waste as supplementary cementitious material: An early-age investigation, Journal of Building Engineering. Volume 38, June (2021) 102187.
  36. F. M. Morawski, N.B. Caon, K.A.P. Souza, F.L. Faita, A. L. Parize, C.L. Jost, Hybrid chitosan-coated manganese ferrite nanoparticles for electrochemical sensing of bifenox herbicide, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering v. 9, p. 106298, 2021
  37. F. Roberti, V. F. Cesari, P. R. de Matos et al., High- and ultra-high-performance concrete produced with sulfate-resisting cement and steel microfiber: Autogenous shrinkage, fresh-state, mechanical properties and microstructure characterization. Construction and Building Materials 268 (2021) 121092.
  38. S. V. Besegatto, A. da Silva, C. E.M. Campos, S. M. A. G. Ulson de Souza, A. A. Ulson de Souza, S. Y. G. Gonzalez, Perovskite-based Ca-Ni-Fe oxides for azo pollutants fast abatement through dark catalysis; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF 16,683!), v. 284, p. 119747, 2021.
  39. A. B.S. Santos, A. M. Manfredi, C. A.M. Salla, G. Farias, E. Girotto, J. Eccher, E. Westphal, S. F. Curcio, T. Cazati, I. Malvestiti, E. H.L. Falcão, I. H. Bechtold, H. Gallardo.
    Highly luminescent liquid crystals by connecting 1,3,4-oxadiazole with thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole units. Journal of Molecular Liquids, v. 321, p. 114887, 2021.
  40. R.B. Serpa, G.K. Pinheiro, D. Müller, F.T. Reis, M.L. Sartorelli, C.R. Rambo, TiO2 aerogel as interlock layer improves thermal stability in perovskite solar cells, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects v. 613 p.126067, 2021
  41. K. F. Ulbrich, V. Z. C. Paes, J. Geshev and C. E. M. Campos, Structure, microstructure and magnetic investigation of the hexagonal δ-FeSe nanophase produced by mechanochemical synthesis, RSC Adv., v. 10, 39406, 2020.
  42. Sales, E. S.; Santos, G. M.; Mandle, R. J.; Costa, W. C.; Bechtold, I.H.; Goncalves, I. L.; Eifler-Lima, V. L.; A.A. Merlo . Insight About Out-of-layer Fluctuations on the Smectic A Stability in 3,5-Diarylisoxazole Liquid Crystals. ChemPhysChem, 2020.
  43. Ulbrich, K. F.; Winiarski, J.P.; Jost, C.L. Campos, C.E.M.; Green and facile solvent-free synthesis of NiTe2 nanocrystalline material applied to voltammetric determination of antioxidant morin, Materials Today Communications, v. 25,p. 101251, 2020.
  44. F. M. Morawski, J. P. Winiarski, C.E. M. Campos, A. L. Parize, C.L. Jost, Sensitive simultaneous voltammetric determination of the herbicides diuron and isoproturon at a platinum/chitosan bio-based sensing platform, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety v. 206, p. 111181, 2020.
  45. Santos, A. B. S.; E Girotto; Salla, C. A.M.; Malvestiti, I.; Falcao, E. H. L.; Bechtold, I.H.; Gallardo, H. Columnar Mesomorphism From a New Luminescent Thiazolo[5,4- d]Thiazole Based Core. Liquid Crystals, 2020.
  46. Ulbrich, K. F.; Nishida, E.; Souza, B.S. Campos, C.E.M.; NiS2-NiS nanocrystalline composite synthesized by mechanochemistry and its performance for methylene blue dye adsorption. Materials Chemistry and Physics; v. 252, p. 123226, 2020.
  47. Kotian, S. Y. ; D, Shridevi ; Ningaih, S.; Merlo, Aloir A. ; Vieira, A. A. ; Bechtold, I. H. ; Rai, K. M. L.. When hydrogen bond tailors molecular packing in non-anisometric molecules. The case study of <i>N</i> -alkyl 1,3-diphenyl-4,5-dihydro-1 <i>H</i> -pyrazole-5-carboximidamides. Liquid Crystals, 2020.
  48. Sousa, D. F. S.; Dotto, M. E. R.; J. Eccher; H. Bock ; Bechtold, I.H. Blending with a phthalocyanine leads to improved P3HT donor layers for OPVs. Synthetic metals, v. 263, p. 116367, 2020.
  49. Ulbrich, K. F.; Winiarski, J.P.; Jost, C.L. Campos, C.E.M.; Mechanochemical synthesis of a Ni3-xTe2 nanocrystalline composite and its application for simultaneous electrochemical detection of dopamine and adrenaline; Composites Part B: Engineering, v. 183, p. 107649, 2020.
  50. Ulbrich, K. F.; Campos, C.E.M.; Nanocrystalline Ni3S2 prepared by mechanochemistry and its behavior at high temperatures and high pressure. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 493, p. 165706, 2020.
  51. Hemmer, J. V. , Wanderlind,  E. H.; Bazani, H.A. G., Campos, C. E. M.;…,  Almerindo, G.I., Simple And Highly Active Strontium-Based Catalyst for Detoxification of an Organophosphorus Chemical Warfare Agent Simulant, Brazilian Journal Of Chemical Engineering, v. 37, p. 533–541, 2020.
  52. Custodio, Jean M.F. ; Vaz, Wesley F. ; Faria, Eduardo C.M. ; Anjos, Murilo M. ; Campos, Carlos E.M. ; Oliveira, Guilherme R. ; Martins, Felipe T. ; Da Silva, Cameron C. ; Valverde, Clodoaldo ; Osório, Francisco A.P. ; Baseia, Basílio ; Napolitano, Hamilton B. . On the potential as nonlinear optical material of a new chalcone derivative and its crystal and topological analysis. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1201, p. 127131, 2020.
  53. De Matos Fonseca, Jéssica ; Valencia, Germán Ayala ; Soares, Lenilton Santos ; Dotto, Marta Elisa Rosso ; Campos, Carlos Eduardo Maduro ; De Fátima Peralta Muniz Moreira, Regina ; Fritz, Alcilene Rodrigues Monteiro. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-TiO2 and gelatin-TiO2 nanocomposite films: Physicochemical and structural properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 151. p; 944-956, 2020.
  54. Schmachtenberg, Victor Alexandre Veit ; Tontini, Gustavo ; Semione, Guilherme Dalla Lana ; Klein, Aloisio N.; Drago, Valderes . Structural and magnetic properties of Pd doped h-NiS nanoparticles prepared via seeding method. Ceramics International, v. 45, Issue 17, Part A, , p.22344-22350, 2019.
  55. Frisch, L. ; Baptista, L. A. ; Bechtold, I.H. ; Araujo, G. ; Mandle, R. J. ; A.A. Merlo . Isoxazoline- and isoxazole-liquid crystalline schiff bases: A puzzling game dictated by entropy and enthalpy effectsJournal of Molecular Liquids, p. 111750, 2019.
  56. Campos, C.E.M.; Ulbrich, K. F. ; Leoni, M. ; Masciocchi, Norberto ; Bertolotti, Federica ; Guagliardi, Antonella. Report on the To.Sca.Lat.-1.0 Summer School, total scattering analysis for nanoscience in Latin America. Powder Diffraction, v. 34, p. 203-207, 2019.
  57. Aguiar, L. O. ; Sl Junior, A. ; Bechtold, I.H. ; Curcio, S. F. ; Cazati, T. ; Alves, T. V. ; Aa Vieira . Molecular 5,8-π-extended quinoxaline derivatives as chromophores for photoluminescence applications. Journal of Molecular Liquids, v. 296, p. 111763, 2019.
  58. Costa, T. C. ; Soares, P. A. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Souza, A. A. U. ; Đ ; Vilar, V. J. P. ; Souza, S. M. A. G. U. Industrial steel waste as an iron source to promote heterogeneous and homogeneous oxidation/reduction reactions. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 211, p. 804-817, 2019.
  59. Ulbrich, K. F. ; Campos, C. E. M. . Stability of iron selenide nanophases prepared by mechanosynthesis. AIP Advances, v. 9, p. 045311, 2019.
  60. Silva, F. N. ; Silva, A. S. ; Bechtold, I.H. ; Zapp, E. ; AA Vieira . Luminescent liquid crystals based on 2,1,3-benzoxadiazole: conducive heterocycle or poor cousin of benzothiadiazole?. Liquid Crystals, v. 46, p. 1707-1717, 2019.
  61. Sallum, Lóide O. ; Vaz, Wesley F. ; Borges, Nádia M. ; de Campos, Carlos E.M. ; Bortoluzzi, Adailton J. ; Franco, Chris H.J. ; Ramos, Luciana M. ; Napolitano, Hamilton B. . Synthesis, conformational analysis and molecular docking studies on three novel dihydropyrimidine derivatives. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1, p. 11110-1111, 2019.
  62. Capello, Cristiane ; Leandro, Gabriel Coelho ; Maduro Campos, Carlos Eduardo ; Hotza, Dachamir ; Mattar Carciofi, Bruno Augusto ; Valencia, Germán Ayala. Adsorption and desorption of eggplant peel anthocyanins on a synthetic layered silicate. Journal of Food Engineering, v. 262, p. 162-169, 2019.
  63. Benevides, Thaiane O. ; Regis, Elias ; Nicoleti, Celso R. ; Bechtold, Ivan H. ; Vieira, André A. . Phase-dependent photoluminescence of non-symmetric 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole liquid crystals. Dyes and Pigments, v. 163, p. 300-307, 2019.
  64. Nascimento da Silva, Milena ; de Matos Fonseca, Jéssica ; Feldhaus, Helena Kirchner ; Soares, Lenilton Santos ; Valencia, Germán Ayala ; Maduro de Campos, Carlos Eduardo ; Di Luccio, Marco ; Monteiro, Alcilene Rodrigues. Physical and morphological properties of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose films with curcumin polymorphs. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 97, p. 105217, 2019.
  65. Araya-Sibaja, Andrea ; Fandaruff, Cinira ; Vega-Baudrit, J. R. ; Hoyos, M. N. ; Guillen-Giron, T. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Cuffini, Silvia. Irbesartan desmotropes: Solid-state characterization, thermodynamic study and dissolution properties. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, v. 9, p. 339, 2019.
  66. Ruschel Campedelli, Roberta ; Keller, Mateus Henrique ; Pinheiro, Gabriela ; Zaramello, Laize ; Campos, Carlos Eduardo Maduro de ; Silveira de Souza, Bruno . From the shelf to the particle: preparation of highly organic-functionalized magnetic composites via 4-nitrophenyl reactive ester. Journal of Organic Chemistry, v. x, p. acs.joc.9b01122, 2019.
  67. Benevides, Thaiane O. ; Regis, Elias ; Nicoleti, Celso R. ; Bechtold, Ivan H. ; Vieira, André A. . Phase-dependent photoluminescence of non-symmetric 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole liquid crystals. Dyes and Pigments, v. 163, p. 300-307, 2019.
  68. Schmachtenberg, Victor Alexandre Veit ; Tontini, Gustavo ; Semione, Guilherme Dalla Lana ; Drago, Valderes . Nanostructured nickel sulfides synthesized by modified polyol method exhibiting blocking/freezing temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 768, p. 896-902, 2018.
  69. Ulbrich, K. F.; Campos, C. E. M. Mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of Ni25Te75 nanocrystalline alloy. Journal of Materials Science, v. 53, pp. 13442-13450. 
  70. Ulbrich, K. F., Bertolotti, F., Masciocchi, N., Cervellino, A., Guagliardi, A., & Campos, C. E. M. A comprehensive structural and microstructural investigation of a new iron–telluride nano phase. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, v. 6, n. 12, p. 3047-3057, 2018
  71. Ulbrich, K. F.; Campos, C. E. M. Nanosized tetragonal β-FeSe phase obtained by mechanical alloying: structural, microstructural, magnetic and electrical characterization. RSC Advances, v. 8, n. 15, p. 8190-8198, 2018.
  72. Sanchez, S. A. A. ; Costa, W. C. ; Bechtold, Ivan H. ; Halfen, R. A. P. ; Merlo, Aloir A. ; Campo, L. F. Bromine-terminated azobenzene liquid crystals.  Liquid Crystals, p. 1-11, 2018.
  73. Custodio, J. M. F., … Campos, C. E. M.  et al. Molecular structure of hybrid imino-chalcone in the solid state: X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy study and third-order nonlinear optical properties. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1157, p. 210-221, 2018.
  74. G.K. Pinheiro, R.B. Serpa, L.V. de Souza, M.L. Sartorelli, F.T. Reis, C.R. Rambo, Increasing incident photon to current efficiency of perovskite solar cells through TiO2 aerogel-based nanostructured layers, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects v. 527 p.89-94, 2017
  75. Melo, E. M. ; J. Eccher ; Apostol, P. ; H. Bock ; Bechtold, I.H. . Characterization of liquid crystalline phthalocyanines for OFET applications. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, v. 657, p. 81-88, 2017
  76. Giroud, F. ; Gross, A. J. ; Faggion Junior, D. ; Holzinger, M. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Acuña, Jose Javier S. ; Domingos, Josiel ; Cosnier, S., Hydrazine electrooxidation with PdNPs and its application for a hybrid self-powered sensor and N2H4 decontamination. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 164, p. H3052-H3057, 2017.
  77. M. Ferreira ; E. Westphal ; Ballottin, M. V.; Bechtold, I.H. ; Bortoluzzi, A. J. ; Mesalira, D. Z. ; Gallardo, H. . Columnar bent-core liquid crystals with two oxadiazole units and two or four alkyl chains and their phase-dependent fluorescence. New Journal Of Chemistry, v. 41, p. 11766-11777, 2017.
  78. Gusatti, M., Campos, C. E., Souza, D. A., & Riella, H. G. Formation of ZnO Nanocrystals and Their In Situ Generation on Textile Material via Solochemical MethodJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17.5 (2017): 3533-3542.
  79. Aguiar, L. D. O., Regis, E., Tuzimoto, P., Girotto, E., Bechtold, I. H., Gallardo, H., & Vieira, A. A.. Investigation of thermal and luminescent properties in 4, 7-diphenylethynyl-2, 1, 3-benzothiadiazole systems. Liquid Crystals, p. 1-10, 2017.
  80. Teixeira, Moisés Felipe ; Veit Schmachtenberg, Victor Alexandre ; Tontini, Gustavo ; Lana Semione, Guilherme Dalla ; Weingaertner, Walter Lindolfo ; Drago,  Valderes . Laser composite surfacing of A681 steel with WC+Cr+Co for improved wear resistance. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, v. 6, p. 33-39, 2017.
  81. E.R. Spada, M.E.R. Dotto, M.L. Sartorelli, F.R. de Paula. Copper Seeds for High Quality Electrodeposition of Cobalt Rich Alloys Nanostructures on Silicon. International Journal of Research Science & Management, v. 4, p. 8-17, 2017.
  82. Coelho, R. L., Westphal, E., Mezalira, D. Z., & Gallardo, H. Polycatenar liquid crystals based on bent-shaped chalcone and cyanopyridine molecules. Liquid Crystals, p. 1-12, 2016. 
  83. Muhammad, K. ; S Hameed ; Siddique, H. M. ; J. Eccher ; Bechtold, I. H. . 6-Hydroxyhexyl 4-(E)-4-Alkoxy/Halostyryl)Benzoates: Synthesis, Characterisation and Study of Mesomorphic and Fluorescent Properties. Liquid Crystals (Print), V. 43, P. 1-15, 2016.
  84. Filippi, Natan Glauber ; Mezalira, Daniela zambelli ; Ovalle, saul ; Westphal, Eduard . Study of the mesomorphic behaviour through the structure modification of azo and acetylene pyridinium and imidazolium-based ionic liquid crystalsLiquid Crystals, v. 43, p. 2163-2190, 2016.
  85. Girotto, Edivandro ; Bechtold, Ivan H. ; Gallardo, Hugo . New liquid crystals derived from thiophene connected to the 1,2,4-oxadiazole heterocycleLiquid Crystals (Print), v. 43, p. 1768-1777, 2016.
  86. Tontini, Gustavo ; Semione, Guilherme Dalla Lana ; Bernardi, Cristian ; Binder, Roberto ; De Mello, José Daniel Biasoli ; Drago, Valderes . Synthesis of nanostructured flower-like MoS 2 and its friction properties as additive in lubricating oils. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, v. 68, p. 658-664, 2016.
  87. Juliana Eccher, Ana Cláudia Batista Almeida, Thiago Cazati , Heinz von Seggern, Harald Bock, Ivan H. Bechtold. Triplet exciplex electroluminescence from two columnar liquid crystal perylene derivatives. Journal of Luminescence. v. 180, p. 31-37, 2016.
  88. Vaz, W. F. ; Custodio, J. M. F. ; Silveira, R. G. ; Castro, A. N. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Anjos, M. M. ; Oliveira, G. R. ; Valverde, C. ; Baseia, B. ; Napolitano, H. B. . Synthesis, characterization, and third-order nonlinear optical properties of a new neolignane analogue. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciencesv. 6, p. 79215-79227, 2016.
  89. Girotto, E., Behramand, B., Bechtold, I. H., & Gallardo, H. Thiophene-based bent-shaped luminescent liquid crystals: synthesis and characterisation. Liquid Crystals, p. 1-9, 2016.
  90. Khushi Muhammad, Shahid Hameed, Humaira M. Siddiqi, Juliana Eccher, Ivan H. Bechtold. 6-Hydroxyhexyl 4-(E)-4-alkoxy/halostyryl)benzoates: synthesis, characterization and study of mesomorphic and fluorescent properties. Liquid Crystals. v. 43, p. 1-15, 2016.
  91. Moisés Felipe Teixeira, Victor Alexandre Veit Schmachtenberg, Gustavo Tontini, Guilherme Dalla Lana Semione, Walter Lindolfo Weingaertner, Valderes Drago. Laser composite surfacing of A681 steel with WC + Cr + Co for improved wear resistance. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. In Press, Corrected Proof.
  92. G.D.L. Semione, V.A.V. Schmachtenberg, G. Tontini, V. Drago. Seed-induced synthesis of h-NiS single-crystalline hexagonal nanoparticles. Ceramics International. v. 42, p. 10127-10131, 2016.
  93. Muhammad, K. ; Nazir, S. ; S Hameed ; Helmuth Bechtold, Ivan . Mesomorphic and fluorescence properties of methyl 4-(4-alkoxystyryl)benzoates. Liquid Crystals (Print), v. 43, p. 863-873, 2016.
  94. A Tavares ; J Toldo ; GD Vilela ; P.F.B. Gonçalves ; Bechtold, I. H. ; Kitney, S. P. ; SM Kelly ; A.A. Merlo . Implications of flexible spacer rotational processes on the liquid crystal behavior of 4,5-dihydroisoxazole benzoate dimers. New Journal of Chemistry (1987), v. 40, p. 393-401, 2016.
  95. D. Faggion Junior; R. Haddad; F. Giroud; M. Holzinger; C. Eduardo Maduro de Campos; J. J. S. Acuna; J. B. Domingos; S. Cosnier, Cubic PdNPs-based Air-breathing Cathodes Integrated in Glucose Hybrid Biofuel Cells. Nanoscale, v.8,  p 10433-10440, 2016.
  96. A.M. Araya-Sibaja, V. Soldi, C.E.M. Campos,  et al.  Crystal growth of progesterone metastable and stable polymorphs by polymer induced herteronucleation (PIHn) method Crystal Research And Technology  v 51 , p 49-57 ,  2016
  97. Borba, P. A. A. ; Pinotti, M. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Pezzini, B. R. ; Stulzer, H. K. . Sodium alginate as a potential carrier in solid dispersion formulations to enhance dissolution rate and apparent water solubility of BCS II drugs. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 137, p. 350-359, 2016.
  98. I. S. Brandt, V. C. Zoldan, V. Stenger, C. C. Plá Cid, A. A. Pasa, T. J. Oliveira, and F. D. A. Aarão Reis. Substrate effects and diffusion dominated roughening in Cu2O electrodepositionJournal of Applied Physics, v. 118, p. 145303, 2015.
  99. Frizon, Tiago E. ; Rafique, Jamal ; Saba, Sumbal ; Bechtold, Ivan H. ; Gallardo, Hugo ; Braga, Antonio L. . Synthesis of Functionalized Organoselenium Materials: Selenides and Diselenides Containing Cholesterol. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Print), v. 2015, p. 3470-3476, 2015.
  100. G. Tontini, J.A. Koch, V.A.V. Schmachtenberg, C. Binder, A.N. Klein, V. Drago, Synthesis and magnetic properties of nickel micro urchins. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 61, p. 177–182, 2015.
  101. E Girotto ; Bechtold, I. H. ; Gallardo, H. . New liquid crystals derived from thiophene connected to the 1,2,3-triazole heterocycle. Liquid Crystals (Print), v. 42, p. 1798-1807, 2015.
  102. Apostol, P. ; J. Eccher ; M.E.R. Dotto ; Costa, C. B. ; Cazati, T. ; Hillard, E. A. ; H. Bock ; Helmuth Bechtold, Ivan . High rectification in organic diodes based on liquid crystalline phthalocyanines. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print), v. 17, p. 32390-32397, 2015.
  103. V.A.V. Schmachtenberg, G. Tontini, J.A. Koch, G.D.L. Semione, V. Drago, Low temperature solventless syntheses of nanocrystalline nickel sulfides with different sulfur sources, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, v. 87,   p. 253–258, 2015.
  104. Paola A.A. Borba; M. Pinotti,  G.R. S. Andrade; C.E.M. Campos,  et al . The effect of mechanical grinding on the formation, crystalline changes and dissolution behaviour of the inclusion complex of telmisartan and beta-cyclodextrins , Carbohydrate Polymers,  V. 133, p 373-383 , 2015
  105. Zottis, Alexandre D´Agostini ; Beltrame, Jeovandro ; Lara, Luciano ; Costa, Thiago G. ; Feldhaus, Mateus João ; Pedrosa, Rozangela Curi ; Ourique, Fabiana ; Campos, Carlos ; De Almeida Isoppo, Eduardo ; S. Miranda, Fabio ; Szpoganicz, Bruno. Pheomelanin-coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles: a promising candidate for negative T2 contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging. Chemical Communications (London. Print), 2015.
  106. Nart, Viviane ; França, Maria Terezinha ; Anzilaggo, Daiane ; Riekes, Manoela Klüppel ; Kratz, Jadel Müller ; De Campos, Carlos Eduardo Maduro ; Simões, Cláudia Maria Oliveira ; Stulzer, Hellen Karine . Ball-milled solid dispersions of BCS Class IV drugs: Impact on the dissolution rate and intestinal permeability of acyclovir. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), v. 53, p. 229-238, 2015.
  107. Da Silva, Douglas Langie ; Moreira, Eduardo Ceretta ; Dias, Fábio Teixeira ; Neves Vieira, Valdemar Das ; Brandt, Iuri Stefani ; Cas Viegas, Alexandre Da ; Pasa, André Avelino . Quasi-one-dimensional nanostructured cobalt (Co) intercalated vanadium oxide (V2O5): Peroxovanadate sol gel synthesis and structural study. Journal of Solid State Chemistry (Print), v. 221, p. 116-125, 2015.
  108. Riekes, M. K. ; Stulzer, H. K. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Caon, T. ; Kuminek, G. ; Rambo, C. R. . Enhanced hypotensive effect of nimodipine solid dispersions produced by supercritical CO2 drying. Powder Technology (Print), v. 278, p. 204-210, 2015.
  109. Pelegrini, S. ; Brandt, I. S. ; Cid, C. C. P. ; Isoppo, E. A. ; Viegas, A. D. C. ; Pasa, A. A. . Electrochemical Cl Doping of Cu2O: Structural and Morphological Properties. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, v. 4, p. P181-P185, 2015.
  110. Josiel  Domingos, Luciano Lara, Alexandre  Zottis, Welman Curi, Deonildo Faggion Jr., ; Carlos E. M. Campos, Jose Javier Saez Acuna,   The catalytic evaluation of in situ grown Pd nanoparticles on the surface of Fe3O4@dextran particles in the p-nitrophenol reduction reaction. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 5,  p. 8289-8296, 2015.
  111. Natália Mezzomo, Sibele R. Rosso Comim, Carlos E.M. Campos, Sandra R.S. Ferreira, Nanosizing of sodium ibuprofen by SAS method, Powder Technology, v. 270, Part A, p. 378–386, 2015.
  112. Fandaruff, Cinira ; Rauber, Gabriela S. ; Araya-Sibaja, Andrea M. ; Pereira, Rafael N. ; De Campos, Carlos E. M. ; Rocha, Helvécio V. A. ; Monti, Gustavo A. ; Malaspina, Thaciana ; Silva, Marcos A. S. ; Cuffini, Silvia L.  Polymorphism of Anti-HIV Drug Efavirenz: Investigations on Thermodynamic and Dissolution Properties. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 14, p. 4968-4975, 2014.
  113. PA Tuzimoto ;Santos, D. M. P. ; Moreira, T. ; Cristiano, R. ; Bechtold, Ivan Helmuth ; Gallardo, H. . Luminescent liquid crystals containing a sulphur-based heterocyclic core. Liquid Crystals (Print), v. 41, p. 1-12, 2014.
  114. M Tariq ; S Hameed ; Magnago, R. ; Bechtold, Ivan ; Merlo, Aloir A. . Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Tetrazoles: Synthesis and Characterization. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), p. 1275-1282, 2014.
  115. Faita, F. L.; Ersching, K.; Viegas, A.D.C; et al. Structural, thermal, magnetic and optical characterization of undoped nanocrystalline ZnS prepared by solid state reaction, J. Alloys and Compounds v.590, p.176-183 2014.
  116. Pereira, Rafael Nicolay ; Riekes, Manoela Klüppel ; Fandaruff, Cinira ; Cuffini, S. L. ; CamposC.E.M. ; Silva, Marcos Antonio Segatto . Grinding effect on Levofloxacin hemihydrate. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.
  117. Fandaruff, C. ; Pereira, R. N. ; Araya, A. M. ; Cuffini, S. L. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Hoffmeister, C. R. D. ; Rocha, H. V. A. ; Vasconcellos, M. A. Z. . Interaction and compatibility studies of efavirenz with pharmaceutical excipientsJournal of Excipients and Food Chemicals, v. 5, p. 152-160, 2014.
  118. Brandt, Iuri S. ; Martins, Cesar A. ; Zoldan, Vinicius C. ; Viegas, Alexandre D.C. ; Dias Da Silva, José H. ; Pasa, André A. . Structural and optical properties of Cu2O crystalline electrodeposited films. Thin Solid Films, v.562,  p. 144-151, 2014.
  119. Borba, Paola Aline Amarante ; Vecchia, Debora Dalla ; Riekes, Manoela Klüppel ; Pereira, Rafael Nicolay ; Tagliari, Monika Piazzon ; Silva, Marcos Antonio Segatto ; Cuffini, Silvia Lucia ; Campos, Carlos Eduardo Maduro ; Stulzer, Hellen Karine . Pharmaceutical approaches involving Carvedilol characterization, compatibility with different excipients and kinetic studies. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v. 115, p. 2507-2515, 2014.
  120. Khalid, M. ; M. A. Tumelero ; I. S. Brandt ; Cid, C. C. P. ; A. A. Pasa . Large slabs and allihn condenser type structures of polyaniline by an innovative one-pot approach. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 4, p. 31689-31691, 2014.
  121. Araya-Sibaja, AM ; Paulino, AS; Rauber, GS; Campos, CEM; Cardoso, SG; Monti, G. A.; Heredia, V., Bianco, I., Beltrano, D., Cuffini, S. L., Dissolution properties, solid-state transformation and polymorphic crystallization: Progesterone case study Pharmaceutical Development And Technology, Volume: 19  Issue: 7  Pages: 779-788 Published: NOV 2014
  122. RM Nascimento ; FL Faita ; DLS Agostini ; AE Job ; FEG Guimarães ; Bechtold, Ivan Helmuth . Production and characterization of natural rubber-Ca/P blends for biomedical purposes. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print), 2014.
  123. Riekes, MK ; Kuminek, G; Rauber, GS; de Campos, CEM ; Bortoluzzi, AJ; Stulzer, HK; HPMC as a potential enhancer of Nimodipine biopharmaceutical properties via ball-milled solid dispersions, Carbohydrate Polymers Volume: 99  Pages: 474-482 Published: JAN 2 2014
  124. E. Girotto ; J. Eccher, A.A Vieira, I.H. Bechtold, H. Gallardo,  Luminescent Columnar Liquid Crystals Based on 1,3,4-Oxadiazole. Tetrahedron, v.70, p. 3355-3360, 2014.
  125. S.R. Nara, C.C. Pla Cid, E.R. Spada, F.T. Reis,.R.M. Faria, M.L. Sartorelli, Electrosynthesized TiO2 films: dependence of the brookite-anatase ratio on the applied potential. Journal of Materials Science, v. 49, p. 2952-2959, 2014
  126. Gusatti, M., Campos, C.E.M., Souza, D. A. R., Moser, V. M., Kunhen, Nivaldo Cabral, Riella, H. G., Effect of Reaction Parameters on the Formation and Properties of ZnO Nanocrystals Synthesized via a Rapid Solochemical Processing. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v.13, p.8307 – 8314, 2013.
  127. Bernardi, Larissa Sakis, Ferreira, F. F., Cuffini, S. L., Campos, C.E.M., Monti, G., Kuminek, G., Oliveira, Paulo Renato De, Cardoso, S. G., Solid-state evaluation and polymorphic quantification of venlafaxine hydrochloride raw materials using the Rietveld Method. Talanta, v.117, p.189 – 195, 2013.
  128. Zimmermann, L. M. ; G Almerindo ; Mora, J. R. ; Bechtold, Ivan Helmuth ; Fiedler, H. D. ; FJN Aguilera . Degradation of Methyl Paraoxon in the Presence of Mg 2+ -Al 3+ Mixed Oxides. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, v. 117, p. 26097-26105, 2013.
  129. Kuminek, G., Rauber, G. S., Riekes, M. K., Campos, C.E.M., Monti, G. A., Bortoluzzi, A. J., Cuffini, S. L., Cardoso, S. G., Single crystal structure, solid state characterization and dissolution rate of terbinafine hydrochloride. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (Print). , v.78-79, p.105 – 111, 2013.
  130. J. Eccher ; GC Faria ; H. Bock ; H Seggern ; Bechtold, Ivan Helmuth . Order Induced Charge Carrier Mobility Enhancement in Columnar Liquid Crystal Diodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (Print), v. 5, p. 11935-11943, 2013.
  131. Caon, T., Konig, R. A., Cruz, A. C. C., Cardoso, S. G., Campos, C. E. M., Cuffini, S. L., Koester, L. S., Simões, C. M. O., Development and physicochemical characterization of saquinavir mesylate solid dispersions using Gelucire 44/14 or PEG 4000 as carrier. Archives of Pharmacal Research (Seoul. Print). , v.36, p.1113 – 1125, 2013.
  132. M Tariq ; S Hameed ; Bechtold, Ivan Helmuth ; Bortoluzzi, A. J. ; A.A. Merlo. Synthesis and characterization of some novel tetrazole liquid crystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, v. 1, p. 5583-5593, 2013.
  133. Paulino A.S., Rauber, G., Campos, C.E.M., Avilez, R. R., Cuffini, Sílvia Lucia, Cardoso, Simone G. Dissolution enhancement of Deflazacort using hollow crystals prepared by antisolvent crystallization process. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. , v.49, p.294 – 301, 2013.
  134. Gallardo, H. ; Santos, D. M. P. ; GF Caramori ; F Molin ; Bechtold, Ivan . Synthetic pathway for a new series of liquid crystal 2,6-disubstituted imidazo[2,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole. Liquid Crystals (Print), v. 40, p. 570-580, 2013.
  135. Borgmann, S. H. M. ; Bernardi, L. S. ; Rauber, G. S. ; Oliveira, P. R. ; Campos, C.E.M. ; Monti, G. A. ; Cuffini, S. L. ; Cardoso, S. G. . Solid-state characterization and dissolution properties of Fluvastatin sodium salt hydrates. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, v. 18, p. 525-534, 2013.
  136. Sibaja, Andrea M. A., Fandaruff, Cinira, Campos, Carlos E. M., Soldi, Valdir, Cardoso, Simone G., Cuffini, Silvia L., Morphology Study of Progesterone Polymorphs Prepared by Polymer-Induced Heteronucleation (PIHn). Scanning. , v.35, p. 213 – 221, 2013.
  137. Plá Cid, C.C.; Spada, E.R.; Sartorelli, M.L.. Effect of the cathodic polarization on structural and morphological proprieties of FTO and ITO thin films. Applied Surface Science, v. 273, p. 612-615, 2013.
  138. Kuminek, G. ; Rauber, G. S. ; Riekes, M. K. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Monti, G. A. ; Bortoluzzi, A. J. ; Cuffini, S. L. ; Cardoso, S. G. . Single crystal structure, solid state characterization and dissolution rate of terbinafine hydrochloride. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis , v. 78-79, p. 105-111, 2013.
  139. Khalid, Mohd. ; Tumelero, Milton A. ; Brandt, Iuri. S. ; Zoldan, Vinicius C. ; Acuña, Jose J. S. ; Pasa, Andre A. . Electrical Conductivity Studies of Polyaniline Nanotubes Doped with Different Sulfonic Acids. Indian Journal of Materials Science, v. 2013, p. 1-7, 2013.
  140. Silva, L. F. C. ; Kasten, G. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Chinelatto, A. L. ; Lemos-Senna, E., Preparation and characterization of quercetin-loaded solid lipid microparticles for pulmonary delivery. Powder Technology , v. 239, p. 183-192, 2013.
  141. Paulino A.S. ; Rauber, G. S. ; Campos, C. E. M.; Avilez, R. R. ; Cuffini, S. L.; Cardoso, S. G., Hollow crystal anti-solvent preparation process as a promising technique to improve dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. Journal of Crystal Growth, v. 366, p. 76-81, 2013.
  142. Westphal, Eduard; Silva, Danilo Henrique da ; Molin, Fernando ; Gallardo, Hugo Pyridinium and Imidazolium 1,3,4-oxadiazole ionic liquid crystals: a thermal and photophysical systematic investigation. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, v. 3, p. 6442-6454, 2013.
  143. E.R. Spada, F.R. de Paula, C.C. Pla Cid, G. Candiotto, R.M. Faria, M.L. Sartorelli, Role of acidic and basic electrolytes on the structure and morphology of cathodically reduced indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates. Electrochimica Acta, v. 108, p. 520-524, 2013
  144. Pereira A. L. J., Lisboa Filho P. N., Acuña J., Brandt I. S., Pasa A. A.,Zanatta A.R., Vilcarromero J., Beltrán A., Dias da Silva J. H., Enhancement of optical absorption by modulation of the oxygen flow of TiO2 films deposited by reactive sputtering,  J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 111, p.113513, 2012.
  145. da Silva, D. L. ; Viegas, A. da C. ; Acuña, J. J.J. ; Pasa, A. A. . Nanofiber-to-nanorod transformation during annealing of electrochemically deposited vanadium oxide nanofibers. Materials Letters , v. 68, p. 303-306, 2012.
  146. Bechtold, I.H.; J. Eccher; GC Faria; Gallardo, H.; F Molin; N Gobo; Oliveira, K.T.; H Seggern. New Columnar Zn-Phthalocyanine Designed for Electronic Applications. The Journal of Physical Chemistry  B (2012) v. 116 (45), pp 13554.
  147. Sibaja, A. M. A. ; Fandaruff, C. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Soldi, V. ; Cardoso, S. G. ; Cuffini, S. L. . Morphology Study of Progesterone Polymorphs Prepared by Polymer-Induced Heteronucleation (PIHn). Scanning, v. 34, p. n/a-n/a, 2012
  148. JA Passo; J. Eccher; BECHTOLD, I. H.; SM Kelly; Merlo, Aloir A.. Síntese e Caracterização de Copolímeros de Cadeia Lateral de Acrilatos de Mentila e 3,5-isoxazolínicos. Química Nova v. 35, 1527-1533 (2012).
  149. Cristiano, R.; Eccher, Juliana; Bechtold, I. H.; CN Tironi; AA Vieira; F Molin; Gallardo, H. Luminescent Columnar Liquid Crystals Based on Tristriazolotriazine. Langmuir, v. 28, p. 11590-11598, 2012.
  150. Gallardo, H.; G. Conte; PA Tuzimoto; Behramand, B; F Molin; J. Eccher; Bechtold, I. H. New Luminescent Liquid Crystals Based on 2,1,3-Benzothiadiazole and Bent Five-membered. Liquid Crystals (Print), v. 1, p. 1-13, 2012.
  151. Gusatti, M. ; Campos, C. E. M., Souza, D. A. R. ; Kunhen, N. C. ; Riella, H. G. PIzani, P.S., Effects of Reaction Temperature on Structural Properties of ZnO Nanocrystals Prepared via Solochemical Technique, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 12, 7986-7992 (2012)
  152. A Tavares; GD Vilela; J Toldo; P.F.B. Gonçalves; J. Eccher; BECHTOLD, I. H.; A.R. Sampaio; R.C. Viscovini; P.H. Schneider; A.A. Merlo . The 2:1 Cycloadducts from [3+2] 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrile Oxide and Vinylacetic Acid. Synthesis and Liquid Crystal Behavior. Liquid Crystals, v. 39, p. 175-184, 2012.
  153. A Tavares; BC Arruda; ES Boes; V Stefani ; HK Stassen; LF Campo; BECHTOLD, I. H.; A.A. Merlo. Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of New Liquid Crystals Arylaldoxime Esters. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso), v. 23, p. 880-888, 2012.
  154. Nuernberg, G. B. ; Foletto, E. L. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Fajardo, H. V. ; Carreno, N. L. ; Probst, L. F. D. .Direct Decomposition Of Methane Over Ni Catalyst Supported In Magnesium Aluminate. Journal of Power Sources v. 208, p. 409-414, 2012.
  155. Riekes, M. K. ; Pereira, R. N. ; Rauber, G. S. ; Cuffini, S. L. ; CampoS, C. E. M. ; Silva, M. A. S. ; Stulzer, H. K. . Polymorphism in nimodipine raw materials: development and validation of a quantitative method through differential scanning calorimetry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis  v. 70, p. 188-193, 2012.
  156. Nuernberg, G. B. ; Probst, L. F. D. ; Campos, C. E. M. . A novel synthetic route for Magnesium Aluminate (MgAl2O4) particles using metal-chitosan complexation method. Chemical Engineering Journal (1996), v. 193-4, p. 211-214, 2012.
  157. A. G. Macedo, L. L. Mattos, E. R. Spada, R. B. Serpa, C. S. Campos, I. R. Grova, L. Ackcelrud, F.T. Reis, M. L. Sartorelli, L. S. Roman; Preparation of porous titanium oxide films onto indium tin oxide for application in organic photovoltaic devices. Applied Surface Science, Volume 258, Issue 14, 1 May 2012, Pages 5375­5379.
  158. A Tavares; GD Vilela; J Toldo; P.F.B. Gonçalves; J. Eccher; Bechtold, I. H.; A.R. Sampaio; R.C. Viscovini; P.H. Schneider; A.A. Merlo. The 2:1 Cycloadducts from [3+2] 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrile Oxide and Vinylacetic Acid. Synthesis and Liquid Crystal Behavior. Liquid Crystals , v. 39, p. 175-184, 2012.
  159. Gusatti, M. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Rosario, J. A. ; Souza, D. A. R. ; Kunhen, N. C. ; Riella, H. G. .Rapid preparation of ZnO nanorods via low-temperatures solochemical method. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , v. 11, p. 5187-5192, 2011.
  160. Gallardo, HugoFerreira, Marli ; Vieira, André A. ; Westphal, Eduard ; Molin, Fernando ; Eccher, Juliana ; Bechtold, Ivan H. . Columnar mesomorphism of bent-rod mesogens containing 1,2,4- oxadiazole rings. Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print), v. 67, p. 9491-9499, 2011.
  161. Gallardo, H.; M. Ferreira; A. Vieira; E. Westphal; J. Eccher; BECHTOLD, I. H. Columnar mesomorphism of bent-rod mesogens containing 1,2,4 oxadiazole rings. Tetrahedron , v. 67, p. 9491-9499, 2011.
  162. C. S. Campos, E. R. Spada, F. R. de Paula, F.T. Reis, R. M. Faria, M. L. Sartorelli. Raman and XRD study on brookite-anatase coexistence in cathodic electrosynthesized titania. 2011. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.
  163. Faita, F. L. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Ersching, K. ;  Acuña J.J.S. ; Pizani, P. S. Structure and microstructure of In4Te3 nanopowders prepared by solid state reaction. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 130, p. 1361-1365, 2011.
  164. Iuri S. Brandt, Vagner Stenger, Vinicius C. Zoldan, José J. S. Acunã, Douglas L. da Silva, Alexandre Da Cas Viegas, André A. Pasa. Surface Roughness and Structure of Electrodeposited Cu2O Layers on Si Substrates. Top Catal vol. 54, p. 97–100, 2011.
  165. Faita, F. L. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Ersching, K. ; Pizani, P. S. Structural, Thermal and Optical Characterization of Mechanical Alloyed In50Te50. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 125, p. 257-262, 2011.
  166. A. Harres, S. Nicolodi, L.G. Pereira, J.E. Schmidt, A.D.C. Viegas, J. Geshev, Effect of short-duration annealing on the exchange bias in IrMn/Co films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials v. 323 p. 2398–2402 (2011
  167. J. Eccher, A.R. Sampaio, R.C. Viscovini, G. Conte, E. Westphal, H. Gallardo I.H. Bechtold, Image processing as a tool for phase transitions identification. Journal of Molecular Liquids (Print) 153, 162-166 , 2010.
  168.  Gusatti, M. ; do Rosário, J. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Kunhen, N. C.; de Carvalho, E. U. ; Riella, H. G. ; Bernardin, A. M. Production and Characterization of ZnO Nanocrystals Obtained by Solochemical Processing at Different Temperatures. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 10, p. 4348-4351, 2010.
  169. Campos, C. E. M. ; Nunes, R. M. ; Drago, V. Structural stability of Mechanically Alloyed TM25Se75 (TM = Fe, Co and Ni). Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v.356, p.1145, 2010.
  170. Ersching, K. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Souza, S. M. ; Grandi, T. A. ; Lima, J. C.; Pizani, P. S. X-ray diffraction, Raman and photoacoustic studies of InSb nanocrystals. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v.122, p.528, 2010.
  171. E. Westphal, I.H. Bechtold, H. Gallardo, Synthesis and Optical/Thermal Behavior of New Azo Photoisomerizable Discotic Liquid Crystals Macromolecules 43, 1319-1328 , 2010.
  172. Daniel S. Rampon,Fabiano S. Rodembusch,Juliana M.F.M. Schneider,Ivan H. Bechtold,Paulo F.B. Gonçalves,Aloir A. Merlo and Paulo H. Schneider Novel selenoesters fluorescent liquid crystalline exhibiting a rich phase polymorphism. Journal of Materials Chemistry v. 20, p. 715 722, 2010 .
  173. S. Pelegrini, C.I.L. de Araujo, R.C. da Silva, A.D.C. Viegas, A.A. Pasa, Electrical characterization of Cu2O n-type doped with chlorine. ECS Transactions, v. 31, p. 143-148 , 2010.
  174. H. Gallardo, F. R. Bryk, A. A. Vieira, T.E. Frizon, G. Conte, B.S. Souza, J. Eccher, I.H. Bechtold, “Optical and thermal properties of unsymmetrical liquid crystalline compounds based on isoxazole”, Liq. Cryst. 36, 839-845 (2009).
  175. Ersching, K. ; Campos, C. E. M. ; Lima, J C ; Grandi, T.A. ; Souza, S. M. ; Silva, D. L.; Pizani, P. S. .X-ray diffraction, Raman and photoacoustic studies of ZnTe nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 105, p. 123532, 2009.
  176. R.G. Delatorre, V. Stenger, V.C. Zoldan, D.L. da Silva, S.G. dos Santos, A.D.C. Viegas, and A A. Pasa, Electrodeposition of p-Cu2O Layers on Co/p-Si Planar Structures. ECS Transactions, 23, 77(2009).
  177. Campos, C. E. M. ; Lima, J. C.; Grandi, T. A. ; H. Höhn . Synthesis of nanocrystalline zinc blende ZnTe by mechanical alloying. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 354, p. 3503-3506, 2008.
  178. Bernardi, Cristian ; Drago, V. ; Bernardo, Fernando Lazaro ; Girardi, Daniel ; Klein, A. N. . Production and characterization of sub micrometer hollow Ni-P spheres by chemical reduction: the influence of pH and amphiphilic concentration. Journal of Materials Science, v. 43, p. 469-474, 2008.
  179. Cristiano, R. ; Gallardo, H. ; Bortoluzzi, A. J. ; Bechtold, I. H. ; Longo, R. L. ; Campos, C. E. M. . Tristriazolotriazines: a core for luminescent discotic liquid crystals. Chemical Communications (London), v. 2008, p. 5134-5136, 2008.