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To.Sca.Lat. – 1.0 (from 10th to 14th December 2018)

14/11/2017 14:56

Dear reader, it is with pleasure that I announce, and invite you to attend, the To.Sca.Lat 1.0: The Latin America Summer School on Crystallography, Diffraction and Total Scattering Analysis for Advanced Materials and NanoScience, to be held in the Vila Fátima at Florianópolis from 10th to 14th December 2018 (complete schedule at event website.)

REGISTRATIONS OPEN up to November 10th – click here.  Information about R$60,00 Fee will be send by email after your registration be confirmed.

A few more reasons to attend the event:
  • Temporary TOPAS licenses (Windows only) for Hands-on using YOUR OWN COMPUTER during the event. Offer from the Bruker Office in Germany.
  • Registration fee of  R$ 60,00 (approximately 15 dollars);
  • Opportunity to present short Oral communication (of about 10 minutes) and get certified for it;
  • Possibility of obtaining ICDD and AICr grant for lodging of young attends; Interested parts need to seek financing to purchase tickets in advance. Prices of flights for December are usually higher due to the high summer season.
  • Tourism in Florianópolis (guiafloripaofficial site tourism sc);


Tags: Eventos CientíficosLDRX - UFSC
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