Provide Services
To the entire university and external community (other educational institutions), Private Initiative Companies, etc.
Possible Services:
Identification and quantification of crystalline and / or amorphous phases of samples in the form of powder, films, and small flat surface pieces;
Feasibility to measure a small amount of powder samples in capillary geometry (<3 mg samples, ideal for organic crystals);
Determination of the size of crystalline domains in Nanomaterials (samples in the form of powder);
Phase analysis as a function of in situ temperature from ambient to 1600 ° C;
Residual stresses of massive small parts and fairly flat surface;
Reflectometry and Film Texture
Price table:
R $ 200,00 per hour of machine + operator (it is possible to measure up to 3 samples that diffract well / crystalline with good ratio signal noise)
R $ 100.00 per hour of simple data analysis (for identification of phases using CSD, PDF2 and ICSD databases).
An XRD standard is typically obtained in 30 to 60 minutes, but can be done in as little as 10 minutes or even days, depending on the sample and the scientific problem to be addressed. It is advisable to request information via the email above before sending the form in case of doubts, inexperience with the technique or measurements under unusual conditions.
The resources are managed by FAPEU through an Extension Project (Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Maduro de Campos).
o request the Provision of Services, the person in charge of the Company / Project must:
1) 1) complete the formServicos_LDRX_LAMPEF_mai2024 (right bottom click to download doc file), sign it, and send a scanned copy to;
2) to await confirmation of the feasibility/availability of performing the services and the value of the costs thereof by the LDRX team;
3) A ticket/invoice is issued by FAPEU and after payment to FAPEU, it issues a tax receipt and the LDRX team sends the technical report;
5) send the samples (together with the signed form and, where appropriate, the safety data sheets – material satefy datasheet) to the address:
Departamento de FísicaUniversidade Federal de Santa CatarinaCampus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima