Virtual Meeting room on the conferênciaweb
Publicado em 29/07/2020 às 06:24 PMVirtual Meeting room on the conferênciaweb, a system of the National Research Network (RNP). Meetings can be scheduled by email: ldrx@contato.ufsc.br
It aims to expand the community of users of LDRX-UFSC, a multi-user laboratory at UFSC created in 2008 and which has an Xpert MPD Diffractometer acquired with funds from FINEP’s CT-INFRA 2005 Call. Mission: to promote scientific partnerships between researchers and students at UFSC around X-ray Diffraction.
LDRX back in operation
Publicado em 18/02/2020 às 04:30 PMThe LDRX diffractometer returned to operation after replacing the X-ray tube and the control computer. New items will be installed in March 2020 and it is expected to have all the functionality of the equipment (including the control system) available after this stage of the project “Reativa LDRX-UFSC” (Financing FINEP).
New LDRX order submission system will be live soon!
LDRX out of operation – Funds for repair requested to FINEP – SOS equipment.
Publicado em 01/03/2019 às 10:25 AMLDRX out of operation since December 2018
New Fault in the high voltage generator that feeds the X-ray tube. Generator should be replaced for the 3rd time!
Requesting for Resources held yesterday for FINEP – SOS equipment.
We hope to get back to working on LDRX soon.
To.Sca.Lat. – 1.0 (from 10th to 14th December 2018)
Publicado em 14/11/2017 às 02:56 PMDear reader, it is with pleasure that I announce, and invite you to attend, the To.Sca.Lat 1.0: The Latin America Summer School on Crystallography, Diffraction and Total Scattering Analysis for Advanced Materials and NanoScience, to be held in the Vila Fátima at Florianópolis from 10th to 14th December 2018 (complete schedule at event website.)
REGISTRATIONS OPEN up to November 10th – click here. Information about R$60,00 Fee will be send by email after your registration be confirmed.
A few more reasons to attend the event:
Temporary TOPAS licenses (Windows only) for Hands-on using YOUR OWN COMPUTER during the event. Offer from the Bruker Office in Germany.
Registration fee of R$ 60,00 (approximately 15 dollars);
Opportunity to present short Oral communication (of about 10 minutes) and get certified for it;
Possibility of obtaining ICDD and AICr grant for lodging of young attends; Interested parts need to seek financing to purchase tickets in advance. Prices of flights for December are usually higher due to the high summer season.
Tourism in Florianópolis (guiafloripa, official site tourism sc);
IX edition of the Bologna’s convention on crystal forms (CF@Bo)
Publicado em 29/12/2016 às 01:55 PMthe IX edition of the Bologna’s convention on crystal forms (CF@Bo) will take place in Bologna on4th-6th June 2017. The meeting is organized jointly by Molecular Crystal Engineering and by PolyCrystalLine spa groups of Department of Chemistry – University of Bologna – Italy.
See more at http://www.polycrystalline.it/pages/150/news–events/9th-Crystal-Forms@BO-Convention.html
To.Sca.Lake 2.0: Total Scattering for Nanotechnology on the Como Lake Lake Como School of Advanced Studies – May 29 – June 2, 2017
Publicado em 29/12/2016 às 01:10 PMThe Summer School “To.sca.lake 2.0: Total Scattering for Nanotechnology on the Como Lake” offers an extended overview on Total Scattering Techniques (from X-rays to visible light) for Nanotechnology, complemented by lectures on synthesis and applications of advanced nanomaterials. Theoretical, experimental and modeling aspects of Wide and Small Angle scattering methods will be integrated by hands-on tutorials on well renowned programs for DSE and PDF Analysis (Debussy and PDFGui) and Demo sessions on SAXS and Light Scattering. The Workshop is open to all aspiring scholars and scientists in any area related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, and it is especially addressed to PhD students and young postdocs. The aim of the school is to deepen into both theoretical and applied frontier developments in these fields.
This is the 2nd edition of the school: click here to visit the news and reports of the 1st edition (2015).
Download the mini-poster (pdf) of the school.
Maintenance of multi-user nobreaks
Publicado em 25/09/2016 às 03:27 PMDay 28/09 starting from 9: 00 am there will be maintenance of multi-user nobreaks. The equipment must be turned off. Agenda suspended for that day.
See what has been done using lab equipment
Publicado em 06/07/2016 às 03:14 PMAccess list of publications.
X’pert MPD repaired
Publicado em 06/04/2016 às 03:23 PMSchedules are again opened by Operation Calendar page. Cable high voltage X-ray tube and replaced.
Xpert MPD stopped again
Publicado em 04/03/2016 às 10:42 AMIsolation fail of cable terminal causes damage in it and in the X ray tube.